Unlike some of the Al-Anon practices and principles that take a while to learn and apply, the slogans are easy to learn and remember.  You may have heard some of these slogans before without ever taking them seriously or trying to put them to work.  After all, they are clichés, and easy to disregard.  It is their very simplicity that makes them so powerful.

Let it Begin With Me
First Things First
One Day At a Time
Keep it Simple
But For the Grace of God
Keep Coming Back
Just For Today
Listen and Learn
Live and Let Live   
Think Think Think
How Important Is It?
Let Go and Let God

Keep an Open Mind 

Progress not Perfection

Together We Can Make It

Easy Does It



AA - Alcoholics Anonymous

AAPP - Area Alateen Process Person

AFG - Al-Anon Family Group

AIS - Al-Anon Information Service

AMIAS - Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service

AWSC - Area World Service Committee

CAL - Conference Approved Literature

CMA - Current Mailing Address

DR - District Representative

GR - Group Representative

KBDM - Knowledge Based Decision Making

LDC - Literature Distribution Center/Coordinator

ODAT - One Day at a Time

C2C - Courage to Change

WSC - World Service Conference

WSO - World Service Office


3As - Awareness, Acceptance, Action

3Cs - You didn't Cause it, you can't Control it, and you Can't Cure it.

3Ps - Perfection, Procrastination, Paralysis

5Gs - Get off their back, Get out of their way, Give them to God, Get to a meeting, and Get on with your life.

6Ms - Managing, Monitoring, Mothering, Meddling, Manipulating, and Martyrdom

HALT - are you Hungry? Angry/Anxious? Lonely? Tired?

DETACH - Don't Even Think About Changing Him/Her

THINK - is it Thoughtful? Honest? Intelligent? Necessary? Kind?

STEP - Solutions to Every Problem

NUTS - Not Using the Steps

QTIP - Quit Taking it Personally

HOW - Honest, Open, Willing

TEAM - Together Empowering Al-Anon Members

HOPE - Happy Our Program Exists

FEAR - False Evidence Appearing Real, Face Everything and Recover

LOVE - Let Others Voluntarily Evolve

PAUSE - Postpone Action Until Serenity Emerges

TRUST - Try Really Using Step Three

YAHOO - You Always Have Other Options

JADE - don't Justify, Argue, Defend or Explain

UTT - Use The Steps

MYOB - Mind Your Own Business

 8  Things to Remember When Going Through Tough Times:

1.  Everything can, and will, change.

2.  You've overcome challenges before.

3.  It's a learning experience.

4.  Not getting what you want can be a blessing.

5.  Allow yourself to have some fun.

6.  Being kind to yourself is the best medicine.

7.  Other people's negativity isn't worth worrying about.

8.  There is always, always, always something to be thankful for.